About Us

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence. To understand the true nature of the universe, one must think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration” – Nikola Tesla

At CyberScanToday our team is composed of individuals who are passionate about energy medicine and the future of where it is leading us, both in knowledge and effectiveness. Everyone has experienced the positive benefits of energy balancing. Our commitment is deep and wide in helping others get involved with us in this informational technology.

We function from the new understanding of cooperation and collaboration leaving competition behind. Energetically speaking, those who resonate with us are the professionals/clinics/clients we can be of the most benefit and service.

Our certificate from AussiMed Pty. Ltd. States we are an official Agent for the importation of the CyberScan Professional Biofeedback Device.

The CyberScan uses Tesla technology and very advanced, sophisticated algorithm’s to register the information from the body, mind and emotions to produce a feedback process directed to the immune system for balance. All humans, animals and plants have an innate intelligence, morphogenetic (field), of a healthy state of being at all levels. The CyberScan is able to help the innate intelligence to remember and the immune system to “see” what it has to do to bring about the balance.

With more than 30 years in the energetic field of wellness, we can honestly say the CyberScan is the most advanced and at the cutting edge of energetic balancing and wellness.

Success comes about by the CyberScan, via Tesla technology, through registering all the systems of the body from cellular function, microbiology to one’s emotional and mental patterns, and then develops a comprehensive plan to address imbalances with its very intelligent algorithms. This feedback process assists the immune system to “see” what the body needs and allows the innate intelligence to take over.As the layers of imbalanced stress are handled, the person or animal can reap the benefits of wellness again.

Thank you for exploring the CyberScan with us. We are universal in nature and work with people from North America to Europe as well. Whether you are considering a private session or possibly incorporating the CyberScan into your practice, we are here for you. Just send us an email, or call.

We look forward to connecting with you.

CyberScanToday Team

(702) 380-7818
